HARRISBURG, June 3, 2013 – After delivering a passionate plea for adoption of his legislation to stop school districts from “passing the trash” – teachers suspected of sexual misconduct – the state Senate Monday evening unanimously adopted Sen. Anthony Williams’ SESAME bill.
Senate Bill 46 now moves to the House for its consideration.
“We have suffered from a continuation over a long period of time of professionals who are involved in education for one reason: to perpetuate crimes among children that are beyond imaginable,” Williams (D-Philadelphia/Delaware) said moments before the Senate’s vote.
“Through this bipartisan effort, we take a major step in terms of protecting children and protecting the integrity of the educational experience and profession,” Williams said on the floor.
SB 46, also known as the “Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct, and Exploitation Act,” is designed to close the loophole that now allows school districts to hire employees with a history of investigations and dismissals for abuse or sexual misconduct.
After the vote, Williams said he was pleased with the unanimous vote, but said work remains to make sure SB 46 makes it to the governor’s desk.
“Today’s unanimous vote is truly affirming. It’s a short victory for the countless families in Pennsylvania who have suffered tragedy due to the heinous practice known as ‘passing the trash,’ as well as for the vast majority of educators and school staff devoted to teaching and protecting our children. This is a great step toward progress.
“Our ultimate victory will come when this bill emerges from the state House and lands on the governor’s desk. We cannot let momentum end now. I’m urging everyone who cares about children, their safety and their promise, to reach out to their state representatives and ask them to join our cause.
“Together, we can end the practice of passing the trash in Pennsylvania,” Williams said.
Learn more information on SB 46 here.
Follow Sen. Anthony H. Williams via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and his website.