In the News
Pa. Senate unanimously passes bill to reform probation system; supporters call it a ‘milestone’
The Pennsylvania Senate unanimously approved a bill to revamp Pennsylvania’s probation system Wednesday, a step criminal justice reform advocates have long awaited. Advocates and lawmakers have said the probation system is preventing people from rebuilding their lives...
Pennsylvania State Sen. Anthony Williams Speaks With Eyewitness News About Coronavirus Diagnosis
Civil Asset Forfeiture Under New Scrutiny Amid Calls for Police Reform
At a time when politicians of all stripes are thinking of ways to reshape the criminal justice system, an oft-overlooked law enforcement practice is receiving new scrutiny. Civil asset forfeiture, the process of police departments confiscating property they suspect is...
State arts council distributes $2.3 million to arts groups
Gov. Tom Wolf announced Monday that 309 nonprofit arts organizations will receive grants totaling $2.3 million to help with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds from the federal CARES Act support staff salaries, facilities costs and fees for artists or...
More than 1,000 protesters walk for Black Lives Matter through Lansdowne, Yeadon
A protest organized by 16-year-old Penn Wood High student Tori Monroe brought more than 1,000 people to walk through Lansdowne and Yeadon on Sunday, including Yeadon Police Chief Anthony "Chachi" Paparo who kneeled on both knees at the event's conclusion. "We came...
Delaware County DA announces Criminal Justice Reform Task Force
MEDIA, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Delaware County Council and District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer announced the creation of a Criminal Justice Reform Task Force on Tuesday. The announcement comes on the heels of protests around the country after the death of George...