Harrisburg – July 10, 2014 – Members of Senate Democratic Leadership issued the following statements concerning Gov. Tom Corbett’s line-item veto of funding for the General Assembly and his renewed call for lawmakers to consider pension reform:
Senate Democratic Leader, Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) said:
“Governor Corbett’s action today clearly illustrates the Republican gridlock and dysfunction that has descended on state government. It is hard to fathom what Governor Corbett believes he can achieve. This is a Republican budget mess, crafted solely by Republicans and delivered to the citizens of Pennsylvania by a party that lacks leadership at the top.
“The line-item veto of a portion of the General Assembly’s funding does nothing to address the needs of Pennsylvania. His actions today will not help schools students, job seekers or the vulnerable in need of assistance. The budget, and his actions, are politically-driven and do not solve problems.”
Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, Sen. Vincent J. Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) said:
“The General Assembly is a co-equal branch of government and should not be held hostage to the ideological whims and political demands of a governor who is struggling to find his footing in an election year.
“His renewed call for the legislature to revisit a pension reform plan that could not navigate its way through the House, let alone the Senate, epitomizes a Republican Party that is bankrupt of ideas trying to push a pension plan that will bankrupt Pennsylvania’s taxpayers.”
Senate Democratic Whip, Sen. Anthony H. Williams (D-Philadelphia/Delaware) said:
“The governor’s actions today, and his indecision and dawdling over the last ten days, reinforce the need for Pennsylvania to go in a new direction. There is no question that we need leadership now because we are going the wrong way under Governor Corbett.
“The budget that was passed is filled with gimmicks and accounting tricks, many of which the governor himself outlined. Renewing debate on a pension plan that is short-sighted and ill-constructed combined with a line-item veto of legislative funds will not force the General Assembly to buckle and act against the interest of the citizens of Pennsylvania.”