Shredding Event

Motivation High School 5900 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Together with State Representative Joanna McClinton in partnership with Aetna, we will be hosting a FREE Shredding Event. The FREE EVENT will be held on Saturday, September 19 from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m at Motivation High School located at 5900 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.  (Parking lot entrance located at 60th Street and Baltimore Avenue) […]

Williams to Host a Shredding Event

Motivation High School 5900 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Together with State Representative Joanna McClinton in partnership with Urban Art Gallery, we will be hosting a FREE Shredding Event.

The FREE EVENT will be held on Saturday, June 8 from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m at Motivation High School located at 5900 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.  (Parking lot entrance located at 60th Street and Baltimore Avenue)

Properly shred unneeded papers from your taxes, financial and medical records, and other papers with personal information.

Please remove all paper clips from the paper to shred. This event is for individuals only, not businesses.

Williams to Host a Shredding Event

Motivation High School 5900 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Together with State Represenative Joanna McClinton in partnership with Urban Art Gallery, we will be hosting a FREE Shredding Event. The event will be held on Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m at  Motivation High School located at 5900 Baltimore Avenue in Philadelphia. Properly shred unneeded papers from your taxes, financial and medical records, and other papers […]