Philadelphia – January 5, 2022 – Sen. Anthony H. Williams makes a statement about the tragic fire and deaths in Fairmount.
“The loss of these 13 people, seven of whom were children, is absolutely devastating to me personally and to this city as a whole. My deepest condolences go out to the families and loved ones who are now facing this insurmountable loss. You are all in the thoughts and prayers of myself, my family, and of my Senate staff.
I would also like to thank the first responders and other city officials who have been on the scene since the early hours this morning. I thank you for your work in stopping this fire and stabilizing the area, and for your support of the communities grieving this tragic loss of life.
While the City of Philadelphia will no doubt be addressing this heartbreaking event in the coming days, weeks, and months, there is also something that all of us can do right now – check your smoke alarms. Any city resident can request smoke alarms through Philly311 (via the app or by phone), and the Fire Department will install them in your home for free. You should have one alarm on each floor of your home, including the basement.
Please stay safe, healthy, and keep the victims of this heart-rending fire in your thoughts and prayers.”