PHILADELPHIA, June 16, 2014 — With the Pennsylvania General Assembly moving forward on legislation to legalize medical cannabis, state Sen. Anthony H. Williams held a forum on Saturday, June 14, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, to discuss the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in Pennsylvania.
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The following officials from business, education, government, religion, and medicine are scheduled to participate in the forum, including:
- Derek Rosenzweig, Philly NORML and co-founder of Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana
- Yesha Ministries Bishop J. Darrell Robinson
- George Forsythe, former Maryland State Policeman and a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, or LEAP
- Philadelphia City Councilman Jim Kenney
- Dr. Jahan Marcu, Americans for Safe Access Multidisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board and the 2012 “Cannabis Researcher of the Year”
- Kirsten Heine, Assistant Philadelphia District Attorney
- Capt. Thomas Davidson, Philly Police Department’s Narcotics Field Unit
- Rachelle Yeung, Esq., Marijuana Policy Project
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