April 21, 2016
HARRISBURG, April 21, 2016 — More than five months after he filed a complaint with the state’s Judicial Conduct Board “alleging a conspiracy to cover up the racist, misogynistic, religiously offensive, and homophobic emails” of now former state Supreme Court Justice...
March 30, 2016
PHILADELPHIA, March 30, 2016 — State Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams issued the following statement today after PA Supreme Court Justice Debra McCloskey Todd urged the Judicial Conduct Board and the court’s disciplinary board to review all emails in the so-called Porngate...
March 22, 2016
HARRISBURG, March 22, 2016 – On the plaza of the state government building that houses Pennsylvania’s highest appellate courts, state Sens. Anthony Hardy Williams and Judy Schwank called for renewed efforts to improve the accountability of commonwealth justices and...
March 3, 2016
PHILADELPHIA, March 3, 2016 — His work on improving judicial conduct and fairness for Pennsylvanians has earned state Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams a panel discussion seat at 6 p.m. tonight, March 3, at the Community College of Philadelphia. Sen. Williams most recently...
December 8, 2015
HARRISBURG, Tuesday, Dec. 8 – In response to the Judicial Conduct Board’s announcement today that it has filed formal charges against state Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakin for his receipt and forwarding of racist, misogynistic and homophobic emails, state Sen....