Juvenile Justice Task Force Public Input

The Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force, on which Senator Williams serves as a member, is seeking stakeholder input from Pennsylvanians on strengthening and improving our juvenile justice system. Those who wish to provide input must register to speak at one of our upcoming public roundtables here: https://surveys.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6r2DP3xhZym8oE5

While all are encouraged to participate, input from the following groups is sought on specific dates listed:

  • Law Enforcement – August 21 and September 18
  • Service Providers – September 10 and 14
  • Dually Adjudicated Youth – September 10 and 14

In December 2019, Governor Tom Wolf, Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor, and General Assembly leaders from both houses and parties jointly established the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force. Co-chaired by Sen. Lisa Baker, Sen. Jay Costa, Rep. Tarah Toohil, and Rep. Mike Zabel, the Task Force is charged with delivering data-driven findings and recommendations in a final report by November 30, 2020. At the request of Pennsylvania leaders, the recommendations will serve as “the foundation for statutory, budgetary, and administrative changes to be considered during the 2021-2022 regular session of the General Assembly.” Pew Charitable Trusts and the Crime and Justice Institute are providing technical assistance to the Task Force. More information is available at http://www.pacourts.us/pa-juvenile-justice-task-force